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Re: Great Debian experience

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On 2014-03-22 02:30, Patrick Bartek wrote:
> On Fri, 21 Mar 2014, Ken Heard wrote:
>> On 2014-03-21 00:30, Patrick Bartek wrote:
>>> On Thu, 20 Mar 2014, Ken Heard wrote:
>>>> [snip] I never did get LVM going on top of RAID1.  Since I 
>>>> had to use an mini-ITX box there would not be room in it for 
>>>> more than the two hard drives already there and used for the 
>>>> RAID1.  I consequently made a virtue out of necessity by 
>>>> deciding that I did not need LVM.  If ever I need more hard 
>>>> drive space it will have to be external.
>>> I'm curious.  Why would you want to use LVM with such a set up?
>>> Seems pointless.  Not advantageous.  For a non-server 
>>> situation. Even if you do add additional hard drives 
>>> (externally), they can be mounted and used effectively by 
>>> conventional means.
>> As I mentioned in one of my earlier posts, I made a virtue out of
>> necessity and convinced myself that I did not really need it. If
>> ever I need to expand hard drive capacity I will do what you 
>> suggest in your last sentence.
> Maybe, this link will help do what you originally wanted to.  It's 
> for a 3 hard drive RAID though which might be more helpful in the 
> long run.
> https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/Software_RAID_and_LVM
> I'm sure there's a Debian HOWTO for the same thing, but the Arch 
> Linux wikis are more detailed and thorough, and fairly generic.

As I had already explained in an earlier post, the one marked above
with the 4 pointers -- >>>> -- I determined that for this particular
installation I could do without LVM.  I will however need it in
another installation; so for that one I am looking for more
information.  Thanks for the tip.

By the way I agree with you about the Archlinux wikis; I have found
them on the whole better than most other documentation, including some
of Debian's.

Regards, Ken

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