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Re: Great Debian experience

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On 2014-03-20 21:19, Lisi Reisz wrote:

> I have Wheezy 7.4, Trinity and a backported kernel,
> currently 3.12-0.bpo.1-amd64.  I have done nothing special - just
> updated and upgraded fairly often.  Would this newer kernel perhaps
> solve some of your other problems?

Aha!  Last January when I was installing the OS the stock kernel was
linux-image-3.2.0-4-amd64; so that one got installed by the installer.
 At that time the newest kernel available on wheezy-backports was
3.10-0.bpo.3-amd64, which I installed as soon as I could after getting
a working OS, but before X.org and trinity

Since reading your post I discovered that the latest kernel now
available is 3.12-0.bpo.1-amd64 which I will now install.  There are
other kernels mentioned in wheezy-backports labelled "pae".  Since I
don't know what that means I will avoid them.  Thanks for the tip.

> I recently installed Wheezy with Trinity for a client in under an 
> hour.  But it was very straightforward and a fast internet
> connection helped.  If you got Raid and LVM going, I think that
> multimedia, always problematic, is almost just a frill. ;-)

I never did get LVM going on top of RAID1.  Since I had to use an
mini-ITX box there would not be room in it for more than the two hard
drives already there and used for the RAID1.  I consequently made a
virtue out of necessity by deciding that I did not need LVM.  If ever
I need more hard drive space it will have to be external.

I now know that a few of my problems were the result of switching from
32 to 64 bit, the first time for me with 64 bit.  I also seem to
remember that about a year ago you had trouble activating sound in
your machine.  I will work on that problem when I have time.

Regards, Ken

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