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Re: Brainless Debian Stable installation and usage?

On Fri, 2014-03-07 at 01:28 -0500, Steve Litt of Troubleshooters.Com
> On Fri, 07 Mar 2014 05:31:56 +0100
> Ralf Mardorf <ralf.mardorf@alice-dsl.net> wrote:
> > Do they
> > expect that Linux isn't a replacement for Windows, but that Linux is a
> > completely different operating system? 
> I'm not sure that's true. Windows people write content, and I write
> content. Windows people make eBooks, and I make eBooks. Windows XP
> people use a taskbar with a start menu, and so do LXDE people, and also
> Xfce people who know how to configure.

Windows people usually don't maintain their Windows, at least they
seldom know what they do, they usually click a bottom and get a new
service pack.

Linux users usually maintain their user space by knowing what they are

People used to Windows, usually buy hardware, connect hardware and use

People used to Linux usually take care about the hardware they buy.

I'm aware that XP "support" stops now. If this is the reason to switch
to Linux, I suspect that most of them will not be satisfied with Linux.
There seems to be a reason why they used XP as long as possible, instead
of using Linux.

The "brainless" approach doesn't work that good with Linux.

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