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Re: I mistakenly installed 32 bit Debian. How can I ensure that I'm installing 64 bit?

Reco wrote, On 03/06/2014 02:31 PM:

> On Thu, 06 Mar 2014 13:55:44 -0500
> Patrick Chkoreff <patrick@rayservers.net> wrote:
>> I suppose it doesn't matter which I use -- I'm guessing either one has a
>> 64-bit option, and next time I won't breeze by that option.
> Why, it does. Using debian-7.4.0-amd64-netinst.iso you're unable to
> choose 32-bit installation at all :)

Makes sense.  So it's "fool" proof then.  I *was* in a hurry when I
installed Debian because I had to get some serious work done, pronto.
Fool-ish.  No matter, I'll do another fresh install.  It's good practice
to re-install my entire tool chain, from gcc on up.

You see, I formerly had Ubuntu 12.04 on both machines.  Then I upgraded
to 12.10, and then 13.10, and everything started going haywire.  Gnome
Classic was hosed, with nothing showing on the top panel or the task
bar.  Gnome 3 had some problems too.  So I had to use Unity.  Then
suddenly on Sunday evening all the terminal fonts went to hell, looking
all blocky and weirdly spaced.

With entropy hounding me on every side, I scrambled for a fresh install
of a sane operating system, namely Debian, and I left Ubuntu 13's
insanity and ad-ware behind.

So far so good.  I've always used Gnome Classic, but now I'm forcing
myself to use Gnome 3, because Gnome Classic is looking a wee bit
abandoned.  I miss the task bar, but I've got to get over it.

-- Patrick

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