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Re: How is typical home computer used today?

On 12/12/2014, Bret Busby <bret.busby@gmail.com> wrote:
> On 12/12/2014, Richard Owlett <rowlett@cloud85.net> wrote:
>> Lisi Reisz wrote:
>>> On Thursday 11 December 2014 14:48:41 Richard Owlett wrote:
>>>> The OP correctly phrased the question as "How is typical home
>>>> computer used today?"
>>>> As I'm the OP, I should know. <GRIN>
>>> If we had trouble understanding it, then you did *NOT* correctly phrase
>>> the
>>> question.
>>> And you have *STILL* not said what you mean by typical, which is
>>> meaningless.
>>> Nor have you said what you mean by a home computer.
>> typical - definition of typical by The Free Dictionary
>> typ·i·cal (t p-k l) adj. 1. Exhibiting the qualities, traits, or
>> characteristics that identify a kind, class, group, or category:
>> a typical suburban community.
>> thefreedictionary.com/typical
>> Home dictionary definition | home defined
>> The definition of home is something that relates to or happens
>> inside the place where a person or family resides.
>> yourdictionary.com/home
> Right.
> And I had seen at a person's residence, the PDP-11 computer that he
> had obtained, and, kept there, and used for for playing with octal
> programming.
> By your definition, a "home computer".
> He lived in a block of flats; "a typical suburban community", as you have
> cited.

Also, here in Perth, from what I have seen, on a local Linux User
Group mailing list, various people have, or have had, wta theoir
residences (thence making these "home computers", such computers as
Sun SparcStations and various other Sun computers, running SunOS and
other operating systems, and, DEC Aplghas, regarding which, I still
remember being told by the organisers of a local computer exhibition,
some years ago, that special permission was required from the USA
fedral government, to get a replacement (the one to be demonstrated,
had broken down) DEC Aplha sent to Australia, as it was rclassified as
a supercomputer, that required special [permission to be exported from
the USA.

So, all kinds of computers, can be classified as "home computers", by
your definition, if they live at a person's residence, and that could
include CRAY computers, if a person wo0uld be inclined to have one at
the person's residence (although, their comparative computing power,
is not so great, anymore).

And, as I believe, as an example that I have previously cited, the
most "typical home computers" are probably such computers as Nintendo
64's, and Playstations, and Wii things, which, I believe, can be used
as Internet terminals, if my memory serves me correctly. And, some
people in the local Linux User Group, have apparently modified some of
these tyupes of computers, so creating computing equivalents of
"Evelyn, a slightly modified dog" - a Frank Zappa song.

> ...
> Why do you object so strongly, to simply asking the appropriate question?

That is the question.

Bret Busby
West Australia

"So once you do know what the question actually is,
 you'll know what the answer means."
- Deep Thought,
 Chapter 28 of Book 1 of
 "The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy:
 A Trilogy In Four Parts",
 written by Douglas Adams,
 published by Pan Books, 1992


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