Re: disk group (was ... Re: How to override fuse args to ntfs-3g to set permissions?)
On 26/11/14 21:27, Chris Bannister wrote:
> On Wed, Nov 26, 2014 at 02:46:24PM +1100, Scott Ferguson wrote:
>> In which case I'd "recommend":-
>> *1.* uncommenting the user_allow_other line in /etc/fuse.conf
>> *2.* changing the fstab line to:-
>> LABEL=WinBackup /media/WinBackup ntfs-3g
>> uid=1000,gid=1000,permissions,auto,noatime 0 0
>> *3.* check that you are a member of the "disk" group (as a "user":-
>> groups |grep disk
>> if you aren't, become one (as "root")[*1]:-
>> gpasswd -a $YourUsername disk
>> [*1] "groups" won't show your changed group membership until after
>> you've logged out, and logged back in. You can use the following if you
>> need to double-check:-
>> grep disk /etc/group
> I vaguely remember reading somewhere (may have been on this list) that
> putting anybody in the disk group is a big no no, I think it was to do
> with security.
*It is* (shoot foot material). So is setting ntfs-3g setuid. Which is
another practise used for what the OP wanted to achieve - in the way he
wanted to do it.
Like sudo no password it's a common practise - in hindsight I should
have refused to help with that option (I did suggest udev) - and there
are other ways.
> Whether I'm misremembering or not it would be nice to get it cleared up.
You didn't misremember it - unfettered access to raw disks is not good
I was wrong. Following those instructions could have caused the OP to
inadvertently break Windows.
Kind regards
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