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Re: Good news on claws-mail

Le 19.10.2014 16:15, Steve Litt a écrit :
On Sun, 19 Oct 2014 12:47:03 +0200
Peter Nieman <gmane-acct@t-online.de> wrote:

By the way, I am a desktop user, using fvwm. But I don't want all my
applications to "look and feel" the same, I don't want everything to
interact with everything, and I want to control my computer instead
of being controlled by my computer.

Quoted For Truth!!!

It's not that true... I wonder what you'll say if, for example, all those pixel-shiny applications like aptitude, ncmpc, vim, emacs, or mutt, had sometimes white background, sometimes black, or red...

But, what is obvious is, that we do not need any dbus to achieve that goal. Only a "video" server (I consider x-terminal-emulators being like Xorg: they eventually read input, pass it to program, and pass the program's output to user, like Xorg).

And, finally, I consider myself as a DE user. My DE is built by myself around a terminal-emulator, a tiling window manager, and several applications, but it's still a DE. A light one, an efficient one, a personal one, but it's my DE. :D

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