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Re: How to fix intermittently disappearing mouse pointer ? <narrowed down>

On Tue, 5 Aug 2014 09:51:19 -0400
Steve Litt <slitt@troubleshooters.com> wrote:

> I've googled this several times, but none of what I saw worked or
> seemed relevant. The following seemed the most relevant, but turned
> out not to be helpful:
> https://bbs.archlinux.org/viewtopic.php?id=137080
> I have Wheezy running Openbox (I'm not sure how to detect Openbox's
> version, but I installed it normally with apt-get). I'm *not*
> running unclutter. Sometimes, my mouse pointer disappears when the
> mouse pointer comes to rest on anything with popup text, which is very
> obstructive (if you've ever worked on a computer that does this, you
> know what I mean).
> Often, this symptom doesn't happen for the first few minutes after
> starting X, but then later does. It appears not to happen in Xfce, but
> I didn't test Xfce for hours, so I can't be sure. It appears not to
> happen with another user (I made user test), but once again, I didn't
> test user test for hours. I even copied all files from /home/slitt
> to /home/test, and the symptom didn't appear, and then when I went
> back to /home/test the symptom disappeared, for at least a few
> minutes.
> I suspect, for not much of a reason, that the symptom is triggered
> when the screen changes, either because it times out and goes blank,
> or because I ran a Youtube movie full screen. Due to the time it
> takes to close everything, log out, run startx, and try again, this
> intermittent has been slow to investigate.

It's not intermittent anymore. I can reproduce it at will. I can log
out and rerun X, and do almost anything, including change screen
resolution, and this symptom will not appear until I run claws-mail and
cursor over a message in the message list. Once I do that, the symptom
appears on [most|all] GUI programs, until I leave X and return.
Interestingly, I can run Claws-Mail and cursor over buttons with
popups, and the symptom doesn't appear until I've cursored over a
message in the message list. 

In other words (laugh away, guys and gals), Claws-Mail's message list
breaks my computer.

Obviously I'll be submitting this to the Claws-Mail list, just in
case this is a known problem. However, it will probably garner me
nothing but jeers and statements that I'm using an old version of
Claws-Mail (3.8.1).

My apt-fu isn't all that good, so if any of you knows a way that,
within the packaging system, I can install a later version of
Claws-Mail without in any way disturbing my very nice Wheezy/stable
installation, please let me know. Otherwise, it's ./configure;make;make
install for me :-)

If that doesn't work, well, I've always wanted to byte the bullet and
start using mutt.

Joel Rees, if you're using Claws-Mail, you should view it as a suspect.



Steve Litt                *  http://www.troubleshooters.com/
Troubleshooting Training  *  Human Performance

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