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Re: End of hypocrisy ?

On Tue, 5 Aug 2014 15:50:09 +0200
Slavko <linux@slavino.sk> wrote:

> I know, that you are not responding to me, but i have one note:
> The boot speed is often used as argument for the systemd. But no all
> users are interested on boot time, then there are reaction as this
> (and as my). IMO, there aren't a lot information about other aspects
> of systemd and then people (include me) don't know about them.
> Until will be boot time again and again used as argument, then here
> will be responses as these.
> To be precise, i often read about these things: monolitic, binary
> files and boot speed. I don't like first two and i am not interested
> in latest.

The preceding are my thoughts exactly. Let me add an analogy...

Perhaps I have a car that's fairly simple, with a small engine. I can
even do a few minor maintenance items myself. It gets 30 miles to the
gallon. It has a top speed of 100 miles per hour: 25 mph faster than
the fastest speed limit in the United States. Perhaps I'd go that fast
once per decade. It merges onto a freeway just fine. 

Then, let's say the manufacturer decides it would be a great idea, for
the next model year, to double the size of the engine, with no option
for a smaller engine. Now it goes 150 miles per hour, double the fastest
highway speed limit. Zero to sixty in four seconds: Acceleration far in
excess of any needs for hills plus freeway on-ramps. And now the huge
engine completely fills the entire engine compartment to the point where
special tools are needed to accomplish anything: Now I can't even
change the air filter. The car now gets only 20 miles to the gallon.

Big whoop, it goes faster. But now it's more expensive to drive, it's
more expensive to maintain, and I would never need its "better
performance" anyway, and I never asked for "better performance".


Steve Litt                *  http://www.troubleshooters.com/
Troubleshooting Training  *  Human Performance

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