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Re: Finding a replacement for my ISP's smtp server


Dňa Tue, 29 Jul 2014 12:22:38 +0300 Andrei POPESCU
<andreimpopescu@gmail.com> napΓ­sal:

> On Lu, 28 iul 14, 17:05:56, Jerry Stuckle wrote:
> > 
> > But then if you have residential service, there really is no need to
> > have your own MTA (other than you want it).
> Running your own MTA can be beneficial even if it is not accessible
> from the internet:
> - queuing: some mail clients block while sending and you also don't
> have to worry if the smarthost is not available for the moment
> - DRY: don't repeat yourself by making the same configuration in
> every mail client you use
> - local mail works and is not relayed through your smarthost
> Depending on your needs the first two points can be solved with one
> of the lightweight MTAs, but I only know of dma that can do all
> three. 

I did many tests with these light MTA, mostly due using on Raspbian and
OpenWrt, and my resume is, that the exim4 (light, i never tried heavy
daemon) is simplest way and enough light to run on RaspberyPi B (i have
no heavy traffic, of course), then it is simplest solution for any
Debian machine which has cca 4 MB disk place and 512 MB RAM.

These light MTAs has some problems - one is only MUA, with remote
delivering, another can read headers only from file, etc. Then there are
small problems with some other applications (e.g. cron,
procmail, custom scripts, etc), where can be needed to do additional
setup for these MTA. All these problems are solvable, but often
particular MTA dependent.



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