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Re: want to revert back to gnome classic mode.

On Wed, 21 May 2014 22:31:18 +1000
Zenaan Harkness <zen@freedbms.net> wrote:

> On 5/21/14, Filip <filip@fbvnet.be> wrote:
> > On Wed, 21 May 2014 05:52:18 -0400
> > Stephen Allen <marathon.durandal@gmail.com> wrote:
> >> On Wed, May 21, 2014 at 11:57:29AM +0500, Muhammad Yousuf Khan
> >> wrote:
> >> > thanks alot guyz, i am actually a server side guy using mostly
> >> > terminal window. i am new to gnome and xfce.
> >> > so my question is, are all the applications from gnome will be
> >> > available in xfce, is it like a layer on the top of gnome 3. are
> >> > all gnome utilities will be available as well? like system
> >> > monitor etc.
> > I had the opposite reaction. I didn't instantly dislike it when it
> > came it, and thought that the detractors where just too close
> > minded to try out new improved interface concepts. After having
> > used it for one and a half years however, I have grown to
> > absolutely dispise it.
> Your experiences would be interesting to me, given how long you've
> used it for. If you would itemize the key
> problems/frustrations/bug-bears, that would be appreciated.
> I'll leave it to you to decide whether to post to debian-user or to
> d-community-offtopic :)
> Thanks
> Zenaan

I was initially attracted to the somewhat minimalistic impression it
gave, but I mistakenly thought that under that minimalistic appearance
there is a lot of hidden power under the hood. How wrong I was !

It's incredible uncustomizable (don't talk to me about the crappy
undocumented plugin system), and they really seem to expect you to use
the whole thing exactly as it is configured by default, and seem to
arrogantly think that they know better what you should want than you
know yourself.

In every release functionality is removed because they
decided for you that you shouldn't want to use that:

Want to have nice screen effect in your screensaver ? No way! Blank
screen is all you getting from us from now on. Want to change the
theme ? Absolutely not supported! You can use an unofficial plugin that
can can install with the unsupported gnome-tweak-tool, but we will make
sure that the interface changes with every GTK release so the all
themes are completely or semi-broken unless they are constantly updated
by the maintainer. But that's a good thing because you're supposed use
our superior default theme even though it's utterly boring. Split
screen in the filemanager ? We removed that! You don't need that, you
Transparancy in gnome-terminal ? ... well you
know the drill by know don't you ?

There comes a point when it's just too much.

Then there is the way they maintain the GTK3 library. They maintain it
as if it's a gnome only thing and completely ignore the fact that it
used to be a cross-desktop toolkit and it's almost as if they have a
Microsoft-like attitude and view other projects as if they are
competition that has to be crushed.

For my part, I wouldn't mind if the GNOME project dwindles into
irrelevancy, and hopefully the MATE project can carry on the gnome
legacy in a more sane way.

I'm using openbox+tint2 now, for what it's worth. Minimalism without the

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