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Re: Iceweasel and DRM

On 5/18/2014 11:58 PM, Zenaan Harkness wrote:
On 5/19/14, Richard Hector <richard@walnut.gen.nz> wrote:
On 19/05/14 15:28, Zenaan Harkness wrote:
Oh Richard, bless you. Now you've taken away my excuse to pretend I
didn't really know what Jerry was saying and continue to mock his lack
of precision :)

I'm one of those you mentioned that has trouble resisting reading every
email. Deliberate trolling does _not_ make my life easier ... even when
it can be entertaining :-(

Ahh, self-discipline eh?

When I said "I'm glad I brought that out of him [Jerry]", I really
mean it - he's a bit of a time-bomb and carries an intense anger or
something about him, he's so harsh to anybody he disagrees with. So
when he admits his own nature by saying "all your property will be
mine", then other people get to see that depth of his nature.

Unless you have enough to cover a potential multi-hundred K dollar (U.S.) judgement against you, everything you have will be mine.

And, as you know, there are many who don't have that level of insight
into other people, and at least one of them has even chastised me in
the past "oh don't be so harsh on Jerry".

Ah, you can't argue the facts, so you start attacking me. There are terms for people who do that.

There are certain aspects of people that I believe it is good to bring
out into the open, so we can all know what we're dealing with.

Yes, and I'm glad you have exposed your real nature.

Although I have the luxury of not enough time to read all the d-u
threads, so I just get to jump in when something looks juicy, or is of
personal interest, or something I think I can readily assist others
with (if it's not already answered).

All the best,

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