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Re: FSF condemns partnership between Mozilla and Adobe to support Digital Restrictions Management

On Sun, May 18, 2014 at 11:26 AM, Slavko <linux@slavino.sk> wrote:

Dňa Sat, 17 May 2014 21:00:48 +0900 Joel Rees <joel.rees@gmail.com>

> What Mozilla is doing is providing a framework for keeping the
> companies that want into your computer out, by providing them tools to
> get only what the law allows them and no more.

I am not lawyer, then i will not write about laws, nor in our country
nor international. I will write only on ethic level...

But exactly this i consider as wrong. Or will these companies allow me
to go into their computer(s) to i can see, that they don't break my
right? I will consider all companies as criminal, by the same way as
these companies consider all people as criminals (which is needed to
persecute by inspecting of their computers).

At least, most people here know, how are companies involved in people's
privacy, how they know to respect personal information, etc. Nothing
from this, only money, money and money and THEIR right. Nothing about
our rights. And this Mozilla's decision is another step to get our
right into second rail. And right are thing, for which the free
software starts, not for money, not for to be best browser, only rights.

Finally, is widely known how are these companies able to approve e.g.
GPL and right of author's  of the GPL (or similar free) software.

Once again, i am not a criminal. And i want to no criminals go into my
home at all, don't depends if they will use door or computer (internet

None of the above matters.
. Do you want this?

Now you are getting to the heart of the matter.  Neither you, nor Mozilla, nor Adobe, nor FSF have any say in the matter.  It is a personal matter.  I will make the decision myself. I will also live with the consequences of that decision.

But if you interfere with my ability to make that decision, then you are making a bad mistake.  After all, it is about freedom.  Mine.  Not yours, not Mozilla's, not Adobe's, and certainly not FSF's. Mine.  And when you comprehend that then you will then understand  why all of the preceding portions of your message just don't matter.

Lee Winter
Nashua, New Hampshire
United States of America

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