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Re: Wifi

On 03/08/2014 10:51 PM, Stan Hoeppner wrote:> On 3/8/2014 2:18 PM, Patrick Alouidor wrote:
>> Hello all. I'm not sure if it me but I have a fresh install of Debian 7
>> on laptop Toshiba C-55A5310. and For some reason I cannot enable my wifi
>> switch. I have been pressing the F keys but no luck. please This is my
>> first Laptop ever and I wanted to put something stable on it and now I
>> cannot get my wifi to turn on. My I please get some form of assistance
>> on wifi.

I haven't had to time fully reasearch, but you should check to see if the WiFi switch is enabled in the BIOS. Also , your BIOS may tell you if the WiFi is indeed installed. E.g. in the BIOS of my Dell, I can specify if the hardware switch works for WiFi, bluetooth, cel modem, or any combination.

> This is an invalid and incomplete help request.  You must perform basic
> troubleshooting and tell us specifically what is not working, or we
> can't really help you.
> You mention a "wifi switch".  There is no such thing.

Uh, yeah there is. Crack out a decent, recent laptop and have a look. All of mine have either a [Fn] key combination or an actual hardware switch to enable & disable the WiFi radio. Find out what hardware he is using before you pretend to know what you're saying:
I'll make it easy. Page 156.

>  ... The laptop has a
> "wireless ethernet adapter" usually of the 802.11 a/b/g/n standard.  It
> will "connect" to a "wireless router" or "wireless access point".
> Based on your generic problem report, the issue could be with your
> router/AP or it could be with the wireless adapter configuration in
> Debian 7.
> The lack of detail in your problem report suggests you have never used
> Linux, or that you've never participated in a technical forum.  Please
> tell us your Linux skill level so we can reply with appropriate level of
> instruction.

Based upon your reply, I can guess that you are not a paid customer service professional. First thing is to not sound like a snot to those you're trying to help.

--- Dave Woyciesjes
--- ICQ# 905818
--- CompTIA A+ Certified IT Tech - http://certification.comptia.org/
--- HDI Certified Support Center Analyst - http://www.ThinkHDI.com/
Registered Linux user number 464583

"Computers have lots of memory but no imagination."
"The problem with troubleshooting is that trouble shoots back."
- from some guy on the internet.

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