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[OT] the course on the brain was:Re: Best way to show HTML5/mp4 in D7 browser?

On Wednesday 19 February 2014 04:04:40 Bob Bernstein wrote:
> On Tue, 18 Feb 2014, Lisi Reisz wrote:
> > I have just finished one on the brain.
> Now, and I have a reason for asking this, after taking that
> brain course, were you left feeling more, or less,
> comfortable with your brain, such as it is now?

More optimistic in terms of understanding and taking charge myself.  
But I also found it fascinating.  A lot of the material is stuff you 
look for yourself on the internet, so you can chose the angle and 
level.  The basic stuff is not really contoversial.  This is a 
sulcus.  This is a lobe.  etc. 


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