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Re: Internet loads too slow

On 30/12/13 01:11, Man_Without_Clue wrote:
> Ok,
> Here are what I have done though I really have lost track of things 

You might find it easier to follow if you used interleaved posting:-
and plain text format:-

I find it less difficult to follow threads that way. It's worth learning
IMO :)

> I've
> done as I just follow what I could find...
>     #netstat -tunlp |grep p6 |wc -l
> This returns 0.

Thanks. Just wanted to check you hadn't been following borked
instructions that slowed your network. I agree with Greg Nowak, except
in embedded and other resource limited situations the IPv6 stack isn't
going to slow your network. On the other hand you might get a slower
network if IPv6 is delivered and you're not using it.... (you didn't say).

> Now,  I did following as you suggested,
>  ping -c 5 google.com

Those times aren't terrible. Though "speed" and "service satisfaction"
are different things. You'd have to give some information about what
your ISP has told you to expect before the service can be measured.

> also,
> cat /etc/resolv.conf
> # Generated by NetworkManager
> nameserver
> ## is the IP for the router.

Unless your router is doing DNS caching it's just a continuous relay for
another DNS. You'd have to check your "router" (modem/hub?) settings to
see what that DNS is - by default that's normally set to your ISP's DNS.
Generally their DNS is going to be the fastest (though not necessarily
the most up-to-date).  Choice of DNS server can make a significant
difference to what's perceived as "internet speed*1".

Generally, a user's perception of "internet speed" (click) means "action
time" (graphic result) - "response time" and can be a struggle to
correlate "throughput time" to that. Those on-line "speed" tests give a
poor indication of throughput time anyway.

Loading a web page:-
;ask DNS for IP address (check cache first if one exists, then try DNS
Nameserver entries in order)
;ask ISP for route to IP address
;ask server at IP address for page
;read page
;ask DNS for IP addresses for page components
;ask IP address for page components
;rinse and repeat as needed
;if not served ISP pre-cached, if Vodaphone may route page and
components through "squasher" to compress pictures and code
;add in browser extension, malware detection and firewall processes,
etags and other factors
;render results to screen

So a "fast", low-latency internet connection can still appear slow due
to poor page design, bad firewall and anti-malware systems, buggy
extensions, video settings and hardware, DE settings and constraints
(swappiness), and DNS settings. You don't say what it is that isn't as
fast as you'd like and that's important because it may be something that
only QOS can fix (i.e. VOIP).

For your browser disable any unused extensions. Do install NoScript,
FlashBlock and AdBlock if you use Iceweasel.
Disable any networking desktop widgets/eyecandy.
Disable any network applications.

Install namebench:-
# apt-get install namebench
man namebench

Optimise your DNS settings using namebench (it's got a simple to use GUI
and good documentation).

Then selectively re-enable any applications you use that use the network
(weather widgets, rss readers, bittorrents, VOIP etc), testing each time
with ping, curl and tcptraceroute to see what effects they have on your
network. Note that your ISP's network latency and bandwidth may change
considerably throughout the day.

Ping won't test the speed of the route taken by pages. tcptraceroute will.
# apt-get install tcptraceroute

Test your internet connection. Ping, curl (or wget), and tcptraceroute
will give you some useful metrics, but they won't tell you if your ISP
is throttling certain types of traffic. And online "internet speed
tests" are useless because they only test "total time to tranfer".
For detailed analysis and measurement of your internet connection use:-

Let us know the results ;)

If you find problems try the transparency and last mile tests elsewhere
on the site. If you want to do longer term monitoring look at installing

> route
> Kernel IP routing table
> Destination     Gateway         Genmask         Flags Metric Ref    Use
> Iface
> default         UG    0      0        0 eth0
> localnet        *        U     0      0        0 eth0

All good

>  ifconfig $dev
> eth0      Link encap:Ethernet  HWaddr 00:1c:c0:19:ba:33 
>           inet addr:  Bcast:  Mask:
>           UP BROADCAST RUNNING MULTICAST  MTU:1500  Metric:1
>           RX packets:325430 errors:0 dropped:23 overruns:0 frame:0

You've dropped a few packets there. Nothing much to worry about given
the percentage.


> I could get up to here...
> From "curl" thing, I get very long response tagged with <html>....

That's just the actual HTML from the page. What we're interested in is
the very last line. e.g.:-

Which, in my case, is acceptable.


Kind regards

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