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Re: How do I get rid of the "launchpad" in XFCE?

On Sun, 2013-12-08 at 04:33 +1300, Chris Bannister wrote:
> On Fri, Dec 06, 2013 at 09:03:33PM +0100, Ralf Mardorf wrote:
> > On Fr, 2013-12-06 at 15:20 -0200, André Nunes Batista wrote:
> > > Panel 0 and Panel 1 were such an cool way to teach gui users to count.
> > 
> > The saner style is to call the first panel "panel one" instead of "panel
> > zero". To name it "panel zero" even won't teach anything about logical
> > issues about indexation.
> ? 
> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Indexation

So I used the wrong term in English ;). I was thinking of the fencepost
error, off-by-one error.

What we use to write a program, is not what we should provide as output
for the GUI.

To use math we need to be careful to keep it logically.

Similar as chemical science versus physics regarding to the Bohr
Diagram, working to know how a chemical bond does work regarding to
valence electrons, but for physics we (hopefully) learned other theories
than the Bohr Diagram for good reasons.

I even failed in orthography in my native language, IOW German lessons,
but not that much in general science. "They" tested me and called it

Perhaps we could stop talking about panel number zero vs panel number
one. Xfce does work, it doesn't matter if the panel is called "0" or
"1", it just could become confusing for more complicated issues, if
coders use "programming language style" for the output of a GUI.


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