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Re: Automatic installs

Brad Alexander wrote:
> Way back in the mists of time, around the time of the squeeze release, I
> asked here and it was recommended to use apt rather than aptitude...
> I'm guessing the best practice has changed...?

It has changed back and forth several times.  At the present time both
are mostly functional and both can be used mostly interchangeably.
Feel free to use one for one command and the other one for another
command back to back on the command line.

However each has their proponents.  I like one.  Other people like the
other.  Each are advocating for the reasons they like one tool or the
other better.

Since the way the features are implemented are quite different user
interfaces I don't see these two camps converging any time soon.
Because since the interfaces are so very different then if you like
using one you almost certainly won't like using the other.  And the

Fortunately in the apt versus aptitude issue each of the tools work
quite well and without opposing damage.  It isn't like some of the
other notorious flamewars that have risen where one of the tools was
actively damaging other parts of the system.  (shudder)


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