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Re: Installing Cinnamon 2.0

On Fri, Oct 11, 2013 at 12:42 PM, Ralf Mardorf
<ralf.mardorf@alice-dsl.net> wrote:

>> Have you considered NAS?
> No way!

What's wrong with NAS to elicit such a rejection?

> GVFS is absolutely optional software.

You only ever consider things from your limited use-case but upstream
developers and distribution maintainers have to take into account the
majority of users. Simply because you mount external drives manually
or via udev-without-gvfs, doesn't mean that this is the best way for
the majority.

So the GNOME developers must have decided to develop gvfs and make it
a hard dependency of GNOME for a reason other than "we've got time on
our hands and computers have alot of spare processor power, RAM, and
disk space, so let's add another piece of software that runs in the

You've also complained in this thread and previously about compliance
with green drives. I could've replied: "I only ever connect an
external drive to my computer long enough to copy in and/or copy out
files. So the Brussels bureaucrats who came up with this standard have
yet again mis-spent my tax GBP by wasting their time on researching,
writing, publishing, and enforcing this nonsense - and probably making
drives more expensive in order to comply with this standard!" Would it
make any sense for me to have such a rant?

Furthermore, have you filed a bug against gvfs for it to be made
compatible with EU green drives? Has someone else? If the developers
aren't aware of this problem (they might use external drives the way
that I do, do example!), how can they improve their software?

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