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Re: Choosing among "Desktop Enviroments" and/or "Windows Managers"

I didn't explain myself well, now that i have time, i'll see to it.

I use Xephyr[1] to create a new X server in the current X host session. Then i launch the application i which to use on the new display.

On 18-09-2013 07:49, Anthony Campbell wrote:
On 17 Sep 2013, Luis Bandarra wrote:
This script it's just a automation for speed things (laziness)!

# script to start a new server with i3
Xephyr :1 -ac -br -reset -terminate -screen 1280x1024 2> /dev/null &
sleep 2
i3 &

but you can use just the command line's commands...

Hope it helps...

I use this:

# switch to icewm
xinit  /home/ac/.xxinitrc -- :1 &

where ,xxinitrc is a modified version of .xinitrc to run icewm (in this
case). I can then switch back and forth between spectrwm and icewm with

I'm a bit fan of i3 and find it more productive in most cases but in my desktop i run kde it all the pretty eyecandy "because i can", so some times when i don't have time i open a terminal in kde and run:

$ Xephyr :1 -ac -br -reset -terminate -screen 1280x1024 2> /dev/null & # 
$ i3

In the OP, he can change i3 for whatever i would like. This way he can try WM and DE like "just another window" with the mouse.

I find some tutorial on the internet:

- http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-620003.html
- http://blog.pesa.se/2009/07/18/experimenting-with-window-managers/
- http://wenlong.wordpress.com/2012/01/08/awesome-xephyr-devils-pie/
- http://www.doublehops.com/tag/xephyr/

[1] - http://www.freedesktop.org/wiki/Software/Xephyr/ : Xephyr is a kdrive based X Server which targets a window on a host X Server as its framebuffer. Unlike Xnest it supports modern X extensions ( even if host server doesn't ) such as Composite, Damage, randr etc (no GLX support now). It uses SHM Images and shadow framebuffer updates to provide good performance. It also has a visual debugging mode for observing screen updates.



"Enjoy while you can 'cos you'll never know when it'll end"

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