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Re: *Another* Backup software question...

On Tue, 2013-07-16 at 18:53 +1200, Chris Bannister wrote:
> Have a look at:
> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Linear_Tape-Open

I read this already when the thread started.

Regarding to cassette tapes of what kind ever, I only have good
experiences with

- professional video recorders
- professional or at least home recording recorders, that use consumer
  analog cassette tapes

With those drives a tape never was damaged. YMMV.

I've got bad experiences with

- consumer video recorders
- consumer cassette tape recorders
- consumer DAT recorders and I heard about the same issues when using
  professional DAT recorders


So I suspect, that those drives, without revolving heads could be safe,
but also unsafe regarding to the costs of such a drive. Using several
external HDDs at home perhaps is less expensive, but not less safe.

I'm sceptic.


Who is the target group? Obviously it isn't a minority. I neither know
any migrant nor any German listening to this, but somebody does buy
those recordings.
Wer ist die Zielgruppe? Offensichtlich handelt es sich nicht um eine
Minderheit. Ich kenne weder irgendeinen Migranten noch irgendeinen
Deutschen der das hört, aber irgendjemand kauft diese Aufnahmen.

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