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Re: What are some common problems when using Debian GNU / LINUX?

On Mon, Jan 21, 2013 at 4:27 AM, Anthony Campbell <ac@acampbell.org.uk> wrote:
> On 20 Jan 2013, berenger.morel@neutralite.org wrote:
> [snip]
>> If you uncheck them all, as I usually do, you start with a system
>> with almost nothing. Even "less" is not present in such an
>> installation :D
> I keep a list of all the packages I normally use and then get the same
> ones when I install on a new computer. (Obviously this doesn't work for
> your very first install.)

I run a script nightly to capture the package list, debconf database,
disk information (df, df -h, and fdisk -l), and autoinstalled packages
list for every host in my network.

What this allows me to do is have a pool of generic hosts (firewall,
web server, wiki, etc) to choose from, then when I build a new box, I
do a base build, then copy the most appropriate package list, and do

dpkg --get-selections < package.list
apt-get dselect-upgrade

Then I can customize the new machine. The other thing is that I run
puppet, and have a module called essentialpkgs that makes sure that
certain essentials are on the box.

> [snip]
>> For a normal usage, testing is better, even if the project claims it
>> is not for production environment. More recent kernels and drivers
>> which means more supported hardware, and updated web browsers are
>> some obvious interesting points here. They are simply the most
>> obvious.
> [snip]
> I'd say you are generally better off using Sid. The name "Unstable"
> unfortunately gives the impression that it is unsafe, but this is
> misleading. A quick search for "debian unstable vs testing" will produce
> plenty of discussion, mostly favouring Sid. See for example
> http://www.debian.org/doc/manuals/debian-faq/ch-choosing.en.html and
> http://raphaelhertzog.com/2010/12/20/5-reasons-why-debian-unstable-does-not-deserve-its-name/

I generally run sid/unstable, unless there is a reason not to. I have
a few boxes that are testing or stable, but they are appliances (my
Proxmox-VE machines, for example). But the vast majority of my network
runs sid, and has for years. I have only had rare issues, for
instance, during an ABI change or something major. To combat that, I
do staged upgrades. For instance, I will test upgrades on my own
workstation (on the premise that I can fix it easier than my users),
and I also run apt-listchanges and apt-listbugs, and look for
show-stopper changes.


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