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Re: What are some common problems when using Debian GNU / LINUX?

On Sun, 20 Jan 2013 05:59:42 +0100, Yaro Kasear <yaro@marupa.net> wrote:
Even the "non-free" stuff provided for Debian in their official repos or in many third party repos is perfectly safe and usable.

non-free provided by Debian is safe

regarding to third party repos the OP should ask the list for experiences of a repo he might want to add

OT: Arch and transitions. There are different kinds of transitions. systemd not only stopped the rolling for many experienced users, it also caused that the mailing list became moderated and some users were completely banned from the list. IMO those banned users shouldn't have been banned. However, for Debian this isn't an issue, even if Debian will switch to systemd, for "averaged" desktop users nothing will change, just tons of Wikis needs to be edited.

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