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Re: Installation

On 09/12/2012 09:55 AM, Andrei POPESCU wrote:

On Mi, 12 sep 12, 08:57:37, The Wanderer wrote:

Admittedly, not presenting the user with such a prompt at all would be less
 off-putting than either, but we may not be able to avoid that unless we
relegate the ability to control partitioning/filesystems to the full expert
install - and there may well be people who would prefer to handle their own
partitioning, but would not be comfortable with all the details of the
expert install process.

One shortcut could be added: if the system has only one mass storage device[1] display a simple prompt to choose between wiping everything (and
doing a all-in-one partition install without other questions asked) or
proceeding to partitioning as usual.

But how do you phrase such a prompt so that it won't be confusing (or otherwise
off-putting) to our hypothetical "user who has no idea what a partition is"?

As I understand the discussion so far how to avoid putting off that hypothetical
user is precisely the issue at hand.

[1] more than one mass storage device can mean that the user has at least
some knowledge of partitions and also the risk of doing something wrong is
too big.

There's also the consideration that an "all in one partition" install isn't
necessarily the smartest thing in the first place - a separate /tmp/ at the very
least would seem like a good idea. But the question of what the default "the
user didn't want to handle partitioning at all" configuration should be is a
separate one, and I may not know as much about the subject as I think I do.

      The Wanderer

Warning: Simply because I argue an issue does not mean I agree with any
side of it.

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