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Re: Installation

On Fri, 07 Sep 2012 13:37:55 -0700, Weaver wrote:

> I know how hard it can be to see the forest when you are too close to
> the trees, so I thought I would re-post something I put up in another
> forum where Miguel de Icaza's recent communication was being discussed
> and in answer to Vaughan-Nicholl's recent article of semi-acceptance.
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> The most 'untechie' person on the planet can use any Linux distribution
> once it is installed.

> The reason they don't is the install procedure.


I think it's not that easy. 

First, because "untechie" users neither have to install Windows nor MacOS 
as both usually come along with the computer in a pre-installed form thus 
they only have to provide some basic data.

And secondly (and most important, IMO) once the Linux system has been 
installed, configured and ready to use there's still the problem with 
applications. You only have to tell "untechies" that they cannot install 
Photoshop CS[whatever] and their response (98% of the time) will be 
something like "what kind of crap is this?" ;-)

Linux is more like an intense mental activity that requires from your 
attention (and high doses of patience and interest) and not all the 
people is ready/looking for that.



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