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Re: Wheezy live [was] Re: regarding e2fsprogs 1.42

Apologies Alan, I overlooked your post.

On 04/01/12 03:08, Alan Greenberger wrote:
> On 2012-01-03, Scott Ferguson <prettyfly.productions@gmail.com> wrote:
>> The auto fsck/root problem (if ever encountered) could be got around by
>> using the Wheezy live CD/USB[*1] which is the path I chose thanks to
>> your chroot tip.
> It looks like you have gotten Wheezy live to work.  

Sorry - no. I haven't tried yet. It's on the list of things to do this
weekend. (but read on for some optimistic news)

> I have not been able
> to.  What I have tried from Squeeze 2.6.32-5-amd64 is (directories not
> shown):
> git clone git://live.debian.net/git/live-build.git
> dpkg-buildpackage -rfakeroot -b -uc -us
> dpkg-deb -i live-build_3.0~a40-1_all.deb
> lb config -b iso -d wheezy -p lxde
> lb build 2>&1 | tee build.log
> I don't see any obvious errors reported in the log.
> wodim -v dev=/dev/scd0 binary.iso
> The md5sums of binary.iso and CD agree.
> When I boot with the CD, I get a debian splash screen with a "Boot menu"
> containing a "Live" line and "Other options" line.  Up and down arrows
> work.  Selecting "Live" and pressing Enter just gives a beep.  I also
> tried from Squeeze:
> kvm -cdrom binary.iso -m 1024
> with similar results.  From the "Other options", I am able to get
> Hardware Detection Tool to work and memtest86+ to run.
> Do you know what am I missing to get Wheezy live to boot?

I had noticed that not much has happened on debian-live since a change
of people mid-year.

You could try using LiveMagic to build it instead of pulling from git...

Alternatively - I have a general purpose rescue USBKey based on a
minimal, lightly modified, Wheezy. I'm not sure when I'd get a chance to
document the build - but it was pretty simple.

How badly do you need a portable Wheezy and will a rescue version suit
your needs? (the partimage of the USBkey is 128MB)

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