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Re: Some applications freezing up

You could try using a DE/software which is lighter e.g LXDE,
XFCE or even just a WM and start you software from an Xterm when needed.

In short: he can stop to use a bloated desktop environment? ;)
To be honest, I can not say you're wrong, but I guess the OP does not really want to try a new DE, he might had enough difficulties to be accustomed to gnome 3 :D

Ok, end of troll for now, constructive reply is taking place:

Some tools will allows you to have better clue about what exactly in your hardware is not powerful enough, look at any resources monitors you want, which gave you some history. (I am using xosview, as example, but there are plenty in aptitude) The interest is that you will know how to fight the problem: if the problem is related to high ram consumption, try to locate processes which are eating it, if you discover that the GPU is never quiet, find the software(s) you do not need which are running in background.

It seems your problem is related to strong GPU use (there is cooler on hard disk, as far as I know), so I think you could simply try to look at $top (in a terminal) when you are doing nothing, to detect the bloatware which thinks it is alone on your computer.

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