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Re: Gnome3 probe

On Sun, Dec 16, 2012 at 1:10 AM, Marc Shapiro <marcnshap@gmail.com> wrote:

One of the applets that you can add to the panel is an application launcher.  Once you have the application launcher on the panel you can modify its settings to add any application from the menu to the launcher.  If you need to add something that is not on the menu (i.e. a non-debian application, a script running in a terminal, etc) then you will have to make your own .desktop file.  the best place to put that, IMHO, is in .local/share/applications in your home directory.  That will then show up in the LXDE menu under 'Other' so that you can then add it to a launcher on a panel.  I have done this to add launchers for Firefox and Thunderbird, which I prefer over Iceweasel and Icedove.

Thanx Marc, I almost an happy camper now, I do have my xterm button in an app-launcher in my pannel.

Now I can't make my own app thigs, I never got the 'other' things in the add/remove pannel item.

Here is my $HOME/.local.share.applications/MyApp.desktop

[Desktop Entry]
Comment=My App comment

I loged out and in and I can never add this App, if someone has an idea.

One another missing things (dunno if I screwed my config at some points) I'd like have my scollbar moving with the mouse wheel, that I dunno how to setup (or restore if I broke it).

I know how to setup an auto focus (follow mouse) things like that but the mouse wheel, I am lost :)

I am almost ready for the future, i.e leave all thise bells&wistle wm for things much simpler.

This .desktop setting reminds me teh CDE era, and that's fine with me :)


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