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Re: wordpress/apache

On Mon, Jun 18, 2012 at 07:10:38PM +0100, Chris Davies wrote:
> Glenn English <ghe@slsware.com> wrote:
> > I've installed the squeeze Apache, PHP, MySQL, and Wordpress 
> > packages and there's nothing there when I point a browser at it. 
> > I see the PHP info. I think I need something to get Apache to run
> > the index.php (and its friends) file in /usr/share/wordpress. How do
> > I do this?
> I think what I did when trying this out the other day was this:
>     cd /var/www && sudo ln -s /usr/share/wordpress
> Then reference the Wordpress stuff via http://localhost/wordpress/
> I remember scratching my head of this and then shrugging my shoulders,
> as usually Debian packages "just work" (or nearly so). There is an
> /etc/wordpress/htaccess file that looks like it is supposed to end up
> being modified as /var/www/.htaccess, but I couldn't see how that would
> work with Wordpress as a subdirectory. If you want http://localhost/
> to be your Wordpress system then I'd look at changing the definitions
> related to the Document Root in /etc/apache2/sites-enabled/000-default
> Chris

As far as "just work", this is generally the case for a lot of stuff,
but for a web application, you have to consider that not everyone wants
to use only wordpress as their webroot, which is why such things are
left to the user to configure, rather than automagical.
Your wordpress will install in /usr/share/wordpress, but you have to
tell apache where it is, of course, which, as indicate above, is
generally done by adding a vhost file in /etc/apache2/sites-available/
(and symlinking that in ../sites-enabled), or just in the
/etc/apache2/httpd.conf or apache2.conf

Frankly, I tried to install wp from the debian pkg before, and it was a
headache.  Most web applications I install from upstream sources, even
when there are debian packages (dokuwiki, wordpress, gallery, and others
I do this way), sometimes especially if the app has a git repo, which
renders keeping them more up-to-date easier.
I just install them where I want them somewhere in the webroot
I always run Stable on servers, and packages can end up two years old,
as you likely know, and for some stuff, a lot can happen in two years.
But, if you, say, install dokuwiki from the debian package, and then
update it via the built-in updater thingy, you may have problems.
This is why I just install from the upstream sources and use the
package's own updating mechanisms, in general, now.
It's funny, I stick with stable for the server os, but run apps on the
bleeding development edge from git repos all the time, now.  Perhaps
that seems contradictory.  Of course, when you're contributing to a
project in git, you want to run the latest code, anyway, at least if not
on a production server, somewhere on a test server, perhaps.

Just one thing I recommend: don't go to #wordpress @freenode looking for
help. While #debian (and #tcl and #dokuwiki and many other chans) are
full of kind, compassionate, helpful people, if you go to #wordpress
expecting such treatment, you will be sorely disappointed.
All you're likely to get there is, first "don't use Debian packages"
(okay, I say the same thing, shame on me), and second,"I'll help you for
$80/hour".  Seriously.
Of course, I don't begrudge anyone a living, but it just seems terribly
mercenary in there. (I might add, I've been permanently banned from that
channel...so maybe I'm biased)

all tony, all the time!

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