Re: Gnome workspace manager has disappeared -- Help!
El 2011-11-11 a las 10:19 -0600, Dennis Wicks escribió:
(sending back to the list)
> Camaleón wrote the following on 11/09/2011 06:26 AM:
>> On Tue, 08 Nov 2011 20:17:09 -0600, Dennis Wicks wrote:
>>> Somehow the workspace manager and the index which appeared at the lower
>>> right of the screen have disappeared.
>> Have you tried to add them again?
> Can't add them again. The workspace manager is gone.
If the panel (what you call "task bar") is visible, you can right-click
on it and add again the applets. Can you see the gnome panel?
>> Besides, sometimes the applet is there but constrained because of the
>> lack of space, check if you have locked any elements that prevent the
>> applets to be visible.
>>> If I right-click on a window tab in the task bar I can move the window
>>> to another workspace, and the window selector will show that the windows
>>> are in the workspace where they were moved to, but there is still no
>>> index and all of the window tabs are in the task bar.
>>> How do I get my window manager and the index back? I can't find any
>>> program or package that is called window manager.
>> You can also:
>> 1/ Restart your panel ("killall gnome-panel")
>> 2/ Add a new panel and start adding applets from scratch. When you're
>> done, remove the old and incomplete panel and save your session, just
>> in case.
> My problem isn't the panels, it is the workspaces.
What do you mean by "workspace"?
I mean this:
Can you please upload, attach or point to an Internet image so we can
see what are you referring about?
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