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Re: [OT] Imperial measures

On Wed, Oct 05, 2011 at 02:54:42PM +0000, Curt wrote:
> A liter of water weighs a kilo and is one meter long (at sea level).

A liter of water can be any length you want[1] (at any altitude), depending
on its cross-section.

[1] Well, OK, there is an upper limit, depending on how close you
require the molecules to be in order to still be considered a contiguous
liter of water.  If we require them to be separated by a maximum
distance of 2.75 angstroms (the diameter of a water molecule, according
to a quick google search), that gives a maximum length of 1.656 x 10e14
meters, or roughly 28 times Pluto's mean orbital radius.

Dave Sherohman

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