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Re: Error installing Squeeze with root filesystem as btrfs

On 9 January 2011 09:20, Boyd Stephen Smith Jr. <bss@iguanasuicide.net> wrote:
> In <[🔎] AANLkTimMA2=MmO758P8xB85aPJjqzV3+=mhukMoqtZcX@mail.gmail.com>, Paul
> Richards wrote:
>>On 8 January 2011 08:48, Boyd Stephen Smith Jr. <bss@iguanasuicide.net>
> wrote:
>>> In <[🔎] AANLkTikEbsMpx7jabAoeGUPtdP6BdKGLyuLPhdB1PXDO@mail.gmail.com>, Paul
>>> Richards wrote:
>>>>On first boot into the system I got the following error:
>>>>FATAL: Error inserting btrfs
>>>>(/lib/modules/2.6.32-5-amd64/kernel/fs/btrfs/btrfs.ko): Unknown symbol
>>>>in module, or unknown parameter (see dmesg)
>>> Make sure your initrd contains the crc32 module before you go looking for
>>> other problems.  IIRC, this can be configured in
>>> /etc/iniramfs-tools/modules, but you may be using some other method to
>>> build an initrd.
>>I'm not doing anything myself to build the initrd.  I'm simply running
>>the current ISO candidate for the squeeze netinst installer.
>>Is what you suggest something I can fix from the terminal during the
>>install?  (I can alt-f2 to the spare VT to perhaps make the
> I did the migration to btrfs root from a working reiserfs root, so I'm not
> sure if the fix can be applied from the netinst iso.  I'm not familiar enough
> with the netinst process to be sure, but I think you should be able to chroot,
> make the config changes, and rebuild the initrd just before the netinst
> reboots into the new system.

I figured out how to add crc32 to the initramfs, but unfortunately I
get the same error.  It's unfortunate that the error message does not
tell me which symbol is missing, as perhaps including another modulre
in the initramfs would help.

Since it took me a little time to figure out, I'll write out my procedure here.
At the final prompt of the installer (where it asks you to remove the
installation CD and prepare for reboot), I pressed alt-f2 to jump to
the spare VT.

>From here I did the following:

1. Mount /dev /sys and /proc into /target/..:

mount -o bind /dev /target/dev
mount -o bind /sys /target/sys
mount -o bind /proc /target/proc

2. Chroot into /target:

chroot /target

3. Edit /etc/initramfs-tools/modules to contain crc32 (I also added
btrfs for extra good measure)

vi /etc/initramfs-tools/modules

4. Rebuild the initramfs

dpkg-reconfigure linux-image-2.6.32-5-amd64

(you should see confirmation that grub was updated too)

5. Exit chroot, and alt-f1 back to the installer VT.

Paul Richards

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