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Re: rkhunter report

On 11/20/2010 06:34 PM, Boyd Stephen Smith Jr. wrote:
> I recommend it, but there aren't that many packages in it anyway so you are 
> likely not missing anything.
I added it back did an update, and I think it did find 1 or 2 apps to
update.. nothing.. that I could see, that might be a security issue..

> Volatile is meant for updates to packages whose usefulness naturally degrades 
> as time passes, like virus scanners and spam filters.  IIRC, occasionally IM 
> software is even updated when proprietary protocols change.  Basically stuff 
> that loses functionality because of reasons outside of Debian's control.  In 
> some ways it overlaps with backports, since new upstream versions are allowed 
> in some cases.  It has been official much longer than backports, IIRC.
yeah, like rkhunter. I was running 1.3.6 and 1.3.8 is the latest..

> It isn't appropriate for fixing security flaws; that's what the security 
> repository is for.  It isn't for new upstream versions because the new version 
> has additional features that the old version is lacking; that's what the 
> backports repository is for.
I don't want to go too far forward, because I DO NOT want kde4
installed, EVER. I run gnome/lxde, and my wife runs kde3.. She is
already mad because people email her with M$ powerpoint attachments, and
we hear no sound from them... isn't that what youtube is for? I cannot
understand why people will send 9Mb powerpoint attachments of a youtube
video, instead of a LINK to the video!( but that is another thread for
another day:)

thanks for the info!

Paul Cartwright
Registered Linux user # 367800 

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