Where is the Xorg.conf - to setup XKB layouts on Squeeze?
my system is Debian GNU/Linux Squeeze with linux-image-2.6.32-3-486.
I have installed xserver-xorg-video-s3virge and have XWindow system
running with Window Maker window manager.
I'm using fookb-wmaker to switch XKeyboard layout for these layouts:
Hungarian, Serbian Latin and Serbian Cyrillic.
Unfortunately for this I have to have setup XKeyboard layouts in
xorg.conf. I had this setup on Debian Lenny because there is the file
/etc/X11/Xorg.conf but here on Squeeze I can't find any Xorg.conf.
Without this setup I can't use fookb-wmaker. :(
Where can I setup Xkeyboard layouts for XWindow system on Debian
Paul Chany
You can freely correct my English.
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