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Re: ls has stopped using the ISO date format

On 05/31/2010 01:39 AM, Camaleón wrote:
On Mon, 31 May 2010 01:51:14 +0300, Andrei Popescu wrote:

On Sun,30.May.10, 18:05:43, Camaleón wrote:


This way I have to think *less* to be sure about the date. No guessing.

You example shows only dates where it is quite obvious what date format
is used. Let me see...

-rwx------ 1 amp amp 891837 2010-05-03 22:55 03052010065.jpg
-rwx------ 1 amp amp 733361 2010-05-03 22:55 03052010066.jpg

Can you tell if these files were created 5th march or 3rd may? How (I'd
really like to know)?

You got it :-)

That can only be read as "3rd May, 2010".

In the US, 03052010 (MMDDYYYY is a *very* common format, even among "computer people" who should know better and still use it in file names) is March 05, 2010.

And that is precisely the gain of the ISO date format over the rest of
the other alternatives: nodoby has to ask -or guess- "what your locale
is" in order to correctly interpret the date you are showing because is
always fixed ("year-month-day" notation).

Humans have to learn many things from computers. Mainly, "logic".

And people's names should, like in many Asian cultures, be:
Family, Given.

Johnson, Ronald
Popescu, Andrei
Bargmann, Nate

People's names sort naturally, without the need for a separate (and arbitrarily sized) first_name and last_name fields in databases.

Dissent is patriotic, remember?

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