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Re: enabling tap and circular scroll on touchpad and modern debian/X

Micha Feigin schreef:
On Wed, 17 Mar 2010 14:29:08 +0200
Micha Feigin <michf@post.tau.ac.il> wrote:

Debian has been constantly playing around with the touchpad (input device)
settings lately and broke my touchpad settings again.

How do I enable tapping and circular scrolling permanently (i.e each boot) on
the touchpad again with the modern debian?

It used to be in xorg.conf then it was hal with a file in /etc/hal/fdi/policy/,
what is it now?

I'm using debian unstable with xfce as windows manager (so gnome/kde settings are
not relevant)


Ok, if I get things correctly, I need to setup a udev rule for each mouse
(touchpad, trackpoint, bluetooth mouse) to set the options for each one.

Is there a reference somewhere as to how to do this?
I think you'll find some infor on https://wiki.kubuntu.org/X/InputConfiguration

Dou you have a synaptics touchpad? When I get home, I can mail you my udev rule for tapping and two-finger scrolling.


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