On 2010-03-05 20:49 +0100, Jason Filippou wrote:
I don't see this mentioned anywhere in the latest posts so I thought
I'd post it: The latest proprietary linux driver on the NVIDIA website
(195.36.08, URL:
http://www.nvidia.com/object/linux_display_ia32_195.36.08.html), which
I understand covers many more GPUs than my GT220 causes X to not be
able to detect any screens when installed on my Squeeze box. I was
fortunate enough to have the 190.53 driver on my hard disk and I
reinstalled that, or else I'd have to either wget a
hard-to-flawlessly-copy URL or force myself to learn how to use mount
(which wouldn't be a bad thing, in retrospect). Anyways, I'd recommend
waiting for the next driver and I'm probably reporting this on their
For the record, this driver also has fan control problems, and Nvidia
has withdrawn it: http://www.nvnews.net/vbulletin/announcement.php?a=39.