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Re: Heads up for NVIDIA users

> I don't see this mentioned anywhere in the latest posts so I thought
> I'd post it: The latest proprietary linux driver on the NVIDIA website
> (195.36.08, URL:
> http://www.nvidia.com/object/linux_display_ia32_195.36.08.html), which
> I understand covers many more GPUs than my GT220 causes X to not be
> able to detect any screens when installed on my Squeeze box. I was
> fortunate enough to have the 190.53 driver on my hard disk and I
> reinstalled that, or else I'd have to either wget a
> hard-to-flawlessly-copy URL or force myself to learn how to use mount
> (which wouldn't be a bad thing, in retrospect). Anyways, I'd recommend
> waiting for the next driver and I'm probably reporting this on their
> website.

For the record, this driver also has fan control problems, and Nvidia
has withdrawn it: http://www.nvnews.net/vbulletin/announcement.php?a=39.



It seems the driver works fine if you manually setup the fan control.

I have been using nvclock to-do this


#nvclock -f -F 70

I dont want to downgrade due to experiencing better performance with the newer driver.

note: GTX260 core BE, temps stable

$ nvclock -T
nvidia GeForce GTX 260
=> GPU temperature: 65C
=> Board temperature: 55C

And that's under load



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