Re: DNS (BIND)primario y secundario
2010/3/3 consul tores <>:
> 2010/3/3 Stan Hoeppner <>:
>> Camaleón put forth on 3/3/2010 8:50 AM:
>>> On Wed, 03 Mar 2010 07:57:06 -0600, Stan Hoeppner wrote:
>>>> Are all Cubans this stupid? Cosme, again, this is the _ENGLISH_ Debian
>>>> User list, _NOT_ the Spanish list.
>>>> How many times must you be told not to post to this list in Spanish?
>>>> Use the damn Spanish Debian User list, or post in _ENGLISH_. Please!
>>> Stan, please, let's calm down.
>>> I'll try again to contact Cosme and explain him the situation. I don't
>>> think he is fully aware of his fault, in fact, rarely replies to other
>>> people's advices in the Spanish list either...
>> What really peeves me is the last time, or the one before that, that he
>> posted here, I tried to send a direct reply to him politely asking him to
>> post to the Spanish list, and found the domain in his email address was
>> apparently non-existent, or his DNS was perpetually down, or? I had no I
>> idea my reply hadn't gone through until I found it sitting in my Postfix
>> deferred queue 4 days later and deleted it since it could never be delivered.
>> It's almost like Cosme is Costello in "Who's on 1st":
>> --
>> Stan
I do not think, that is healthy or convenient for this list or Debian
to decide over the base of feeling.
There are norms to follow and benefits to be obtained for every user
of this list. At the Spanish list is well known that some Cubans used
to use expressions as "please, help me, help me", just to attract the
attention of the others, but it is not how Debian list works, and
Cubans who are members of this list know it perfectly. My view point
is that if we leave it running by emotions, sooner or later, this list
is going to be useless as it is happening whit the Spanish list.
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