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Re: Getting connected to Verizon 3G network

Stan Hoeppner wrote:
Wayne <linuxtwo@gmail.com> put forth on 12/30/2009 7:50 PM: every time I get it connected.

A little IPv4 network education is in order:


Your interface is auto self configuring a link local address because it is
unable to contact a DHCP server.  Please read the RFC to better understand the

Your next step is to troubleshoot why your interface isn't able to contact a
DHCP server.

Thanks for the link Stan. After reading that I went back and checked all of the packages I had installed/ Purged/removed in my efforts to get this working. I found that I had to reinstall dhcp3* which had been removed when I tried different network managers.

In addition I removed all of the IPv6 address in /etc/hosts. just in case.

I no longer get an IP address, the MiFi fails to give me one. It, wicd, no longer crashes the system when I get that default IP address. So now I can concentrate on what is bothering the MiFi about giving me an IP.

Thanks much again. You helped narrow the possibilities, and that't helps a lot.

Best Regards


Oh, and Happy New Year to you and yours.

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