Re: Iceweasel 3.5
On Wed, 12 Aug 2009 17:57:19 -0300, Cassiano Leal in gmane.linux.debian.user wrote:
> On Wed, Aug 12, 2009 at 2:23 PM, S.
> Fishpaste<> wrote:
[ ...]
>> I just got Google Chrome going -- OK can't use Flash yet, but at least it's
>> pretty fast on this old laptop; faster than on my dual core x64
>> workstation. Go figure. Maybe I can pass on Iceweasel all toghether now.
> You can use flash on it, actually.
> Assuming you have flash for Iceweasel installed from debian-multimedia, do:
> # cd /opt/google/chrome
> # mkdir plugins
> # cd plugins
> # ln -s /usr/lib/flashplugin-nonfree/
> Then, start Chrome by issuing:
> $ google-chrome --enable-plugins
> and Flash works!
<nod> I've heard that as I read chromium-users and chromium-develop. I
understood itcauses 100% CPU load ? If that's the case, I can do without it
on this older hardware. I'll use my Vista box which has HD video
card/Widescreen if I want to view videos on YouTube.
But good of you to post the instructions. Others may want to try that with
Google Chrome !
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