Re: C++ and threading howto for linux dev
Eric Meijer wrote:
> Boost threads is what I use (debian package libboost-thread-dev). It
> builds on pthreads, and is part of the high quality boost library for
> C++, which is a kind of testbed for libraries to be added to the C++
> standard library. You may want to browse boost for more useful stuf.
>> I tried a bunch of junk over the weekend and could make it
>> I also couldn't find a user-list for libcsoap, but the question is a
>> general one - HOW THE H**L ARE YOU WRITING threaded apps in C++. It
>> shouldn't be that hard - or is it?
> Multi-threaded development is always hard and needs at least some extra
> care. See also the docs in libboost-doc.
> Regards,
> Eric
Thanks Eric
I was also thinking to use the boost package. I don't like it's heavy and my
app would depend on it too.
So there is no easy way around pthreads from C++ except boost?
Any alternatives?
thanks in advance
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