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Re: mutt: compose message in new window [was: Re: Musings on debian-user list]

On 2009-08-01 17:13, Andrei Popescu wrote:
On Sat,01.Aug.09, 16:06:08, Chris Jones wrote:
The mutt-user archive seems to be broken - if you display this message
and try to display the thread index, it does display an index but there
is no trace of this particular thread, which makes the ensuing
discussion difficult to follow..
You can use the "Next by thread" link.

So, I'm not sure I understand the solution & how it improves on:

→ :sh while composing in vim → start new instance of mutt → do what you have to do - e.g. copy parts of messages → 'q'+'Ctrl-D' to return to composing

The proposed solution involves the script[1]:

,----[ external-reply.sh ]
| #!/bin/sh
| DRAFT="$1"
| cp "$DRAFT" "$DRAFT.tmp"
| (
|     xterm -e "exec mutt -H \"$DRAFT.tmp\""
|     sleep 1
|     rm -f "$DRAFT.tmp"
| ) &
| exit 0

which you set as your editor (set editor="external-reply.sh"). Now whenever you compose a message it opens in a new xterm and you can use the first mutt to do whatever you want.

The only trouble with it is that the second mutt prompts for "To:" and "Subject:". There's a hint in the thread about using a macro to work around it, but I don't have any idea where to start.

[1] In order to debianize "xterm -e" should be replaced with "x-terminal-emulator -e sh -c".

Blech.  What a royal PITA!

Scooty Puff, Sr
The Doom-Bringer

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