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Re: KDE3 konsole on KDE4

* kj <koffiejunkielistlurker@koffiejunkie.za.net> [2009 Jul 24 06:14 -0500]:
> Has anyone tried this (and succeeded?).  I got a new machine at work and
> took the opportunity to install Squeeze, which came with KDE4.
> I have some real problems with the new Konsole, and since I spend 9+
> hours a day working in it, this is becoming an issue for me:
> 1.  None of the fonts are easily readable for me.  The font I used to
> use - 'console8x16.pcf' - won't install here.  The font installer in the
> settings app doesn't see it, and konsole doesn't have a way to do this
> (that I can see).

You will need to reconfigure the fontconfig-config package and be sure
to enable bitmapped fonts.  If you've upgraded your box over time as
Sid, there may be some crufty files in /etc/fonts/conf.d (they should
all be symlinks now except for README) that are turning bitmapped fonts
back off even though you've enabled them.  I found this on a few of my
boxes.  A clean Etch or later install should not have this problem.

I am using the console font with the latest KDE4 Konsole in Sid with no

- Nate >>


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