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Moving to Sid (was Re: normal firefox for debian lenny 64bit?)

On 2009-07-21 08:46, Soren Orel wrote:
But where can I download SID?? I just can't find an e.g.: "download amd64cd for sid"...:(

This is Debian, not Ubuntu!  Upgrading-in-place is Easy.

Presuming you have a good internet connection, this *should* be all you need to do:

1. Edit sources.list, replacing all lenny or stable references with

2. # apt(itude) update && apt(itude) dist-upgrade

3. Reboot. to activate new kernel.

4. Edit sources.list, replacing testing with unstable.

5. # apt(itude) update && apt(itude) dist-upgrade

6. Reboot, to activate new kernel.

Certainly, though, I'm forgetting something.

Scooty Puff, Sr
The Doom-Bringer

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