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Re: is it possible to install a desktop-manager without python and perl?

On Jun 22, 2009, at 8:00 AM, 明覺 wrote:
Looks like a strange idea to me to run a "one programming language only" system, it would hint that there's a "one fits all" language and other are just for decoration purpose... (Well, some may agree I guess ;-) )
yes, currently, I'm almost a "one programming language only" people, I
can accept the existence of other languages, but I think they should
be optional, not necessory!

Necessary for what?! For you to use a computer? It seems as though
you're being unreasonable (on many fronts), but if you are not fan of
certain software, then don't use it. Don't bitch about how it was
developed. Those folks (eg., gnome, X.org, etc.) produced a product
the way that they did and then offered it to the masses for free.

Beggers can't be choosers.
you treat yourself a begger, I'm not, I'm a chooser. Happy begging to you!

A rose by any other name is still a rose. You can call yourself a chooser, but your actions show you to be a begger.

First, when you look at what's in even just a minimal Linux install, there is no way you're ever going to get through working on more than a few programs in the next few years. Second, when a programmer writes a program, if he has any wisdom (which is knowledge gained through experience, hence the more years, the more experience and the more wisdom), he will use the right tool for the right job. For instance, I need to use mainly Perl and Java, but have used many other languages. I find I can code 5x faster in Perl than Java and about the same, maybe better if I use Perl instead of C++. Hardly any of my Perl code is done as a wrapper for a C or C++ program. It is valid code that does a LOT of work and does it well. Since it's text processing, to do the same work in C or C++ would be a nightmare.

If a program has to parse much user input or doesn't need extreme speed, or has any of a thousand other specs, then it is better to write it in Perl or Python and not C or C++. There are also a similar number of reasons to write code in C and C++. You lament there is no distro for someone with your need. That's because it's a self- imposed, self-limited need that no wise programmer or administrator will want to meet. They're too busy trying to get their work done so they can go see their girlfriend or get out and go ballroom dancing or meet a friend to go to the movies to stick with only one tool when there are a myriad of tools, each one working for specific jobs.

If all you have is a hammer, then every problem is a nail, not a board to cut or a hole to drill or a nut to loosen. Limiting yourself to just a hammer when all those other situations exist is blindly unwise. You're doing the same thing by limiting yourself to only the C language family. You say you hate the other languages -- fine. If you want to cut off your nose to spite your face, do so. I hate Javascript, but I'm versant in it and use it when I need to. I sure as heck won't insist on wasting time writing an applet in Java, taking, perhaps, a few extra weeks, when I can code it in HTML and Javascript in much less time and have it work just as well. To do otherwise would be wasteful of my time and I have way too much to do with my life to spend it sitting in front of an LCD screen when I could be out with people and doing other things.

You say you are a junior programmer, which means you are learning programming. Okay, LEARN. You've had advice from MANY people on this thread who are senior programmers or hackers or system admins. It's clear they all have significantly more experience than you and they're telling you, "There is no point to what you're doing." Some are even pointing out how it will hurt your programming experience in the long run.

It's your choice, but you've been well advised. There is a term for a novice who ignores the advice of those with experience and then proceeds to waste his time (the most precious commodity any of us have with a limited life span) trying to prove experience wrong and eventually learning the wiser ones know what they're talking about. That term is fool.

I'm being blunt, but, honestly, I run a business on custom software I've written and I can do it because I learned from those who knew more than I did. If I refused to learn from people on this and other lists, I'd be an idiot and would still be wasting most of my life at the keyboard. I found one can save days, weeks, months, or even years, by listening to those with experience. You don't seem to want to listen to the experience of many.

That's fine, but don't come crying to us in 3-4 years when you realize how much time you've wasted with such a capricious fetish.

I hope you read all the posts here again with an open mind and learn from them. If not, well, then, it's your life you're throwing out and remember that in 5-10 years when you look at all the youth you've lost.


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