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Re: Program for quoting text like in email?

While it's not terribly good code, the attached perl script should do
what you want.

It will expect file names as the input, and will output to stdout; you
will need to redirect to a file if you want to save it.  So do
something like:

$ perl quoter.pl Guy_On_The_Internet.txt  >quoted-GOTI.txt

where "Guy_On_The_Internet.txt" is the text you want to quote, in a
file.  You can change the quote character and the number of columns by
editing the values at the top of the script.

I assume that input paragraphs come in blocks (i.e. a blank line
between paragraphs) and that you want to keep paragraphs together, but
don't care about how lines are wrapped.  Output will have block
paragraphs, too.

I hope I'm not helping perpetuate some facebook flame war...


I'm stuck on a windows machine right now, so please ignore the weird
carriage returns in the script text.

On Mon, Jun 8, 2009 at 9:55 AM, Thomas Anderson<andersonthomas@gmail.com> wrote:
> Can anyone recommend a program/shell script/editor plugin etc, that
> can take arbitrary text as input and quote it like email programs
> quote emails with a preceding "> " character?
> I'm about to reply to a very long facebook message and want to quote
> it and make inline replies. But facebook only supports top-posting.
> I'd like to cut-n-paste the text I wish to reply, quote it with "> "
> and then cut-n-paste it back into my facebook reply message. I'd also
> like line breaks to be put in once every 80 characters (email
> standard?).
> I use Debian Lenny.
> --
> Regards,
> Thomas Anderson
> "Quidquid latine dictum sit, altum sonatur"

Attachment: quoter.pl
Description: Binary data

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