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Re: Linux desktop without mouse acceleration. Is it possible?

> To my ears, Dirk gave the impression that he values the freedom of other
> parts of the internet higher than debian's mailing list etiquette.

It's called Reddit syndrome: rudeness and trolling about atheism,
'rights', and Ron Paul. They think that because one _can_ be anonymous
on the Internet, that means that cursing and general nasty behaviour
is perfectly acceptable and anyone who thinks otherwise needs to be
welcomed to 'the internet'. Their usual excuse is some concept that
they call 'free speech' in the misconception that 'free speech' means
that they can say whatever they want.

I wish that they could be confined to Reddit but just like the drones
who leaked out from Myspace and then grew up, and the AOLers before
them, there is hope that as they age the Reddit group will mature.
Until then, a killfile is usually enough to keep them out of my little
corner of the internet, so long as no one feeds the trolls and replies
to them.

Dotan Cohen



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