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Re: memory problem

On Wed December 31 2008, Douglas A. Tutty wrote:
> Since iceweasel went with GTK-2.0 (along with other gtk apps), the
> memory hogging difference between GTK and KDE has pretty much gone out
> the window.  Then when you add the memory leak in the GTK on Etch it
> becomes more memory efficient to use KDE apps (especially for apps that
> you hope to keep running for any length of time).

can you give me some examples of this, as in, a gnome app vs a KDE app. I 
don't mean amounts of memory used, I just mean specific apps, which ones..
are you saying to use iceweasel vs epiphany?
kmail vs.. Evolution?
I guess I missed the memory leak thread..

my setup is running Debian Lenny, with GDM.
my wife used KDE & kmail
I use gnome, and kontact.
is the way i do it using more memory ?
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Paul Cartwright
Registered Linux user # 367800
Registered Ubuntu User #12459

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