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Re: LVM reorganization [follow-up]

Rick Thomas wrote:

On Dec 22, 2008, at 1:52 AM, M.Lewis wrote:

e2fsck -f /dev/curley/home # check consistency before starting (may be required by resize2fs?) resize2fs /dev/curley/home 30G # change the size of (fs) /dev/curley/home from whatever it is, to 30GB lvreduce -L 30G /dev/curley/home # change the size of the lv to 30G

Might be nice to add at this point a cautionary

e2fsck -f /dev/curley/home # check consistency before starting (may be required by resize2fs?)

to make sure that "resize2fs" and "lvreduce" are in agreement on the meaning of "30G". It's possible that one does it in decimal and the other does it in binary -- possibly resulting in a filesystem that thinks it's larger than the partition it's in.

Thanks for the catch Rick. Yes, that was actually in my scribbled notes. It just didn't make it all the way into my typed notes. Thanks!

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